Donate to the Poppy Campaign

From October 25th to November 11th, show your support for Canada’s Veterans by wearing a Poppy. Donations to the Royal Canadian Legion’s Poppy Trust Fund are gratefully accepted here.

Our Mission

Our mission is to serve Veterans, including serving military and RCMP members and their families, to promote Remembrance, and to serve our communities and our country.

The Poppy Campaign

Give to the Poppy Campaign

Every year, from the last Friday of October to November 11, tens of millions of Canadians wear a Poppy as a visual pledge to honour Canada’s Veterans and remember those who sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy today. While the Poppy is distributed freely to all who wish to wear one, the Legion gratefully accepts donations to the Poppy Fund.

Victory Square 100th Anniversary Banners

This year, the Victory Square Cenotaph in Vancouver is 100 years old! The Cenotaph stands as a symbol of our collective memory and gratitude towards those who have served our nation.

To mark the 100th anniversary, a group of volunteers within the community created the Victory Square Banner program to feature photos of our loved ones who have served our country. Thanks to our generous donors, 450 banners will be on display around the City of Vancouver for the months of October and November.

Visit our Victory Square banner page to learn about how you can participate in the banner program for next year.

Victory Square Banners featuring two Veterans

Renew Your Membership

Every year, thanks to members like you, we help veterans and their families and ensure Canada never forgets.
Click here to renew >

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